Tuesday, March 22


As promised, here are the "chalkings" I (yes me, all by myself) created. Enjoy!
 Purple Mountains

my cat sitting on a towel (she's sleepy)

my dog
also my dog (any resemblance?)

sunset over ocean

awesome dolphin

awesome flower

better sunset over ocean

Leave me a comment about the one(s) you like or ways I can improve! I know some colors on my dog aren't right but I used what I had. Does anyone know a good place to get artists chalk? (ya it's really a thing!) I'd like to be able to do this more often and Crayola (R) isn't really ideal.

Saturday, March 19


Okay, this one is for Japan. We know they had all this disastrous stuff going on over there right? Well, according to Chinese legend, folding 1,000 paper cranes allows you one wish. While we may not get a wish, we should show Japan our support by folding a paper crane. Go to DoSomething.org or http://www.girlslife.com/post/2011/03/16/Craft-paper-cranes-for-Japan.aspx for details. Lets give some support!

Tuesday, March 15

Boredom and Blogs

I'm bored at the moment and I don't really have anything to say besides the fact that I found out that this isn't the website I wanna blog to. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I will be starting a new blog on BLOG.COM . I'll post the link later to the side bar. I will continue to post here but I'll just post crafts and pics. K?

Saturday, March 12

Love Test

I just put my names in a couple of love test with names of random guys at my school. None of them were above 40%. No one likes me! Ha! Jk. . . love tests are stupid they don't measure anything. . . BTW: my name is Hannah for those who don't now. My blog is called slam designs cuz my soccer nickname was Hanslam. Just thought I'd say. . .


It occurs to me that I haven't posted the pictures from my first posts. Well, it doesn't look like I'm gonna get those pics so look for my second craft post in the near (or distant) future.

Friday, March 11

First Post from an apple computer!

This is my first post on an apple laptop. I really want a MacBook Pro of my own, but for now I have to settle with using my friends and families. Anyway, our amazing science fair project won absolutely nothing. Nada. Thats sad considering the hours of work I (and Sue) put into our project and our amazing board!

Chris Joss

If any of you have heard of Chris Joss, you'll know why I'm so happy. Our class was doing these music reviews were we had to write a review about music we've heard. I did my music review on the song 'I want freedom' (extended remix). It was by Chris Joss, and it was an amazing dance mix! I love to dance so  this was my type of music. Just thought I'd say. Check it out at http://chrisjoss.free.fr/

Wednesday, March 9


OK, so I was sittin in bed doing homework when my kitty (her name is Raja)  came up and started rubbing my computer like it was her best friend. She's a computer cat. She likes to sit on the mouse and lay down on your hands when you try to type. She chases the cursor across the screen and when you take her off, she finds a way to get back to the computer. Awwwww! I'll let her tell you something now....asaaaaaaaaaaaaasasassssssssadfsdadfssasasssaaaaaaassssssssasasssashoubojov                           hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkkvkhbhgcrdxzewazq1WDCZWDQEWSCS. If you are looking at a normal keyboard, Then you can trace her path and see that she first sat on my a and s keys, the pounced at the cursor, sat on the space bar, put her paw on the h key, then walked over the right portion of the keyboard, over to the left, the turned around and hit the caps lock. Cats can be so entertaining!


Hey... I was just thinking that this is a blog, so why not use it as one? In class we are writing to an organization for a contest. It's called Canstruction. I suggest you go look it up, because the pictures are pretty awesome. Anywaaaaaaaaaaaaay, the paper I have to write tells me I have to write about ideas I have to stop hunger. So far I have the idea of a marathon where  every time someone runs/ walks a certain distance, 10 cans or non-perishable food items are donated to homeless shelters. Any ideas? Tell me in the comments before tommorow if possible... kthnxbai

2nd day as a blogger

Hey! It's my second day as a blogger. My friends saw my blog and they told me it wasn't really a 'blog'. They may be right, but it's my blog so I'll do what I want. I am accepting request from any one and I'd love to get some feedback. If you make a craft displayed here, I'd love if you posted a pic or video to the comments! And yes, I do type all and make all of the crafts I blog about. I don't copy and paste for those who were wondering. Those people have to get their material somewhere! I'm sorry to say that I won't be posting the pictures today. Sorry! But I will for sure have them here at the end of this week. Since it does not tell the date at the bottom of the posts, today is March 9th. Bye for now! =0)

Tuesday, March 8

Promises Fullfilled!

This craft is rated: level 1
As I promised in my last post, I am posting my first 'how to.' I'm going to teach you how to...(drum roll sound) ... make your own notepad! Remember, I'm new so if it gets confusing, just leave a comment and I will address your questions in my next posts. Ok, on with the tutorial... first if all, you will need some supplies. You will need:
  • A piece of scrapbooking paper (make sure you like the design!)
  • Scissors
  • 4-5 pieces of printer or lined paper
  • 3-hole punch*
  • string or paper fasteners
* I will be showing you how to make a notepad the length of a standard piece of printer paper.
How to make your notepad:
  1. Fold the scrapbooking paper in half.
  2. Fold the regular paper in half (lengthwise - like a hotdog) and stick it into the inside of the folded scrapbooking paper.
  3. Making sure the paper is lined up , punch holes into all the papers using the 3-hole punch.
  4. Using string or paper fasteners, tie or fasten the regular paper and scrapbooking paper together.
  5. Decorate as you please, and make sure to use plenty of color and individuality!
The pictures of the finished product will be posted tomorrow.

First Post!

Hey all who stumble into my blog! Wow that was cheees-ay! Oh well. If i can maintain this blog, I'll be postings pics, how to's and maybe even constant updates if possible. Now, I highly doubt that I'll keep up with this. If I do, I'll be pretty amazed. Anyway... it's March 8 of Twentay Eleven. It may say that but I'm new to blogging so I wouldn't know. Bye for now! I'll be posting my first how to today or tomorrow for sure! Bye yall! (once again, cheeeeeees-ay)