Tuesday, March 22


As promised, here are the "chalkings" I (yes me, all by myself) created. Enjoy!
 Purple Mountains

my cat sitting on a towel (she's sleepy)

my dog
also my dog (any resemblance?)

sunset over ocean

awesome dolphin

awesome flower

better sunset over ocean

Leave me a comment about the one(s) you like or ways I can improve! I know some colors on my dog aren't right but I used what I had. Does anyone know a good place to get artists chalk? (ya it's really a thing!) I'd like to be able to do this more often and Crayola (R) isn't really ideal.


  1. wow!
    Those are really good!!!
    If I tried that, there would be a bunch of blobs all over the side walk and a very frustrated Sue next to them!

  2. Wow! Those are amazing! Job well done! :) I love your blog!
