Wednesday, March 9


Hey... I was just thinking that this is a blog, so why not use it as one? In class we are writing to an organization for a contest. It's called Canstruction. I suggest you go look it up, because the pictures are pretty awesome. Anywaaaaaaaaaaaaay, the paper I have to write tells me I have to write about ideas I have to stop hunger. So far I have the idea of a marathon where  every time someone runs/ walks a certain distance, 10 cans or non-perishable food items are donated to homeless shelters. Any ideas? Tell me in the comments before tommorow if possible... kthnxbai


  1. Hey... commenting on my own blog. this is sad. Oh well. anyway, if you happen to stumble on this blog after i posted this and after 3/10/2011, never fret, because things look good. I'm stayin true to my blog! tell me if you ever have an idea.

  2. Nxt time post the URL
    BTW these are just helpful hints
    I don't mean to be rude I really do love your blog/crafty website
