Wednesday, March 9


OK, so I was sittin in bed doing homework when my kitty (her name is Raja)  came up and started rubbing my computer like it was her best friend. She's a computer cat. She likes to sit on the mouse and lay down on your hands when you try to type. She chases the cursor across the screen and when you take her off, she finds a way to get back to the computer. Awwwww! I'll let her tell you something now....asaaaaaaaaaaaaasasassssssssadfsdadfssasasssaaaaaaassssssssasasssashoubojov                           hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkkvkhbhgcrdxzewazq1WDCZWDQEWSCS. If you are looking at a normal keyboard, Then you can trace her path and see that she first sat on my a and s keys, the pounced at the cursor, sat on the space bar, put her paw on the h key, then walked over the right portion of the keyboard, over to the left, the turned around and hit the caps lock. Cats can be so entertaining!

1 comment:

    did we really need to know the exact path
    neways I love Raja she's soooo cute!
